About me as an artist:
Since I was able to hold a pencil, I loved to draw and since I was 14 years old I started to paint with oil… And all these years nature and my faith are a profound source of inspiration to me: from mysterious skys to colourful flowers..I like to paint them all!!I also like a lot to experiment with layering and create a lot of texture, for exmple using copper, coffee, sand and other rough materials in the first layers. I always end with the best using oilspaints availble.
Ten years ago I have discovered the fun of felting also. More about what inspired me in this area and the techniques used, you can read on my page Felted art. Since then I have shown and sold most of my felted shawls and art to wear at many art-markets around Holland. The year 2020 then…offcourse these were all canceled and I had a lot of time to pick up my love for painting again. Since that time painting that is my main focus now ans felting a good second!