Week of
circular economy

From Monday, March 11 to 16, it is Week of the Circular Economy. Activities, workshops and lectures have been organized throughout the Netherlands. Below is the program in Haarlem

Haarlem wants to be circular by 2040. Our resources are running out and the number of people on the planet continues to grow.... It is imperative that products and materials are reusable and that we do not create waste. This means we need to make different, sustainable choices. Will you join us?




Come to the Festival Circular in the Haarlemmer Kweektuin on March 15 and 16 and discover how to give old stuff a new life. Most activities are free and accessible without registering in advance (unless otherwise stated).

Address Haarlemmer Kweektuin: Kleverlaan 9.

Workshop: Natural paint (adults)

Discover what colors are hidden in an onion skin. Different dyeing techniques will be explored with red and white onion skins. The workshop will be taught by Marte Haverkamp, artist specializing in natural textile dyeing. Bring your own onion peels.

Date: Friday, March 15
11:00-12:30 a.m.
Location: Cactus greenhouse next to the Grow Café

Workshop: Kintsugi (adults)

Kintsugi is the ancient Japanese art where you repair broken crockery with gold glue. Learn to repair and bring your broken crockery. The workshop will be taught by Laura Baar of Kweekdesign.

Date: Friday, March 15
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Location: Cactus greenhouse next to the Grow Café

Opening the Green Town Hall

The Haarlem Sustainability Counter opens its new doors. The green place where Haarlemmers can find objective and up-to-date answers to sustainable questions. And where the network can meet, consult and work. Come to the opening of the new pavilion. 

Date: Friday, March 15
Participation: free
Location: in the Greenhouse

Game: Crack the code to another Mode!

More and more fashion is available at a (too) low price. What is the environmental impact of the clothing industry? Find out in the escape box. Help solve the question and crack that code. For parent and child ages 10 and up. The game lasts between 50-90 min. Up to 4 people per group can participate.

Date: Saturday, March 16
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Location: education room NME

Theater performance: Hermannosaurus Rex

Crazy family show about creativity, sustainability and the better crafts. For children ages 6 and up.

Date: Saturday, March 16
1:00 p.m.
Location: Palm Greenhouse

Workshop: the Natural Color Lab (for all ages)

Join us on an exploration of how to dye fabric with kitchen scraps, flowers and plants. By Marte Haverkamp, artist specializing in natural textile dyeing.

Date: Saturday, March 16
Location: White Building, headquarters of Nature and Environmental Education


Toy Exchange by Motherhood (up to 12 years old).

Bring your old toys and clothes and make someone else happy. You may bring up to 3 toy items and 3 clothing items. Make sure these are nice, clean and whole so another child will be super happy. And join the "Super recycle heroes" workshop.

Date: Saturday, March 16
Location: in the Nursery Café

Clothing exchange for ladies

Give your clothes a second life and swap garments you can make someone else happy! Bring up to 6 quality garments or accessories and swap them for new treasures.

Date: Saturday, March 16
Location: in the Kweekstraat behind the café


Taste the future through School of Food

Stop by, discover and explore with our chefs what we will eat in the future. Design your own popcorn flavor or make a chocolate snack with insects. Do you dare?

Date: Saturday, March 16
2:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Cactus Greenhouse 

Thrift store Snuffelmug

Textiles as raw material for new articles, the Textile Sorting Center: the start of a new life. The Snuffelmug shows what they do with old textiles.

Date: Saturday, March 16
Location: at The Green Council House on the Kweekstraat


Plush organizes a craft club

Bring your own project and join the fun! Recycled wool and cotton will be for sale in the wool store Plush. The craft club is for anyone who loves threads and for any skill level.

Date: Saturday, March 16
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Location: in the Nursery Café

This workshop is full 

Make your own diadem from leftover fabrics

Together with Judith from Xpozai you will make an upcycle diadem out of discarded jeans, recycled felt and other old clothing. Everything is in stock, but you can also bring your own. For anyone who can handle a needle.

Date: Saturday, March 16
10:00-11:00 a.m., 12:00-13:00 p.m., 2:00-15:00 p.m.
Participation: €3.50 (please cash)
Location: at The Green Council House


Meeting: furniture and interior design in 2030

There are many circular issues in the furniture and project design industry. This is the reason to start working on a sustainable and circular supply of furniture, designers, stylists, repair and more.
Together we will explore what is needed, where we can connect smartly, what we can do for each other and how we can increase the circular supply in the region. 

Date: Monday, March 11, 2:30-4:45 p.m.
Participation: free
Location: MAAK Haarlem, Oudeweg 91


Mama Gaia Talkshow: circular economy

During the Mama Gaia Talkshow, experts will interact to discuss how we can be smarter about making, using and recycling products. How do you turn waste back into raw materials? How do products retain their value?

Date: Tuesday, March 12, 5:30 p.m.
Participation: from €5
Location: Mama Gaia, Gonnet Street 26


Bike tour of circular entrepreneurs

There are already many circular entrepreneurs and projects in Haarlem. Discover it for yourself during this bike tour, where we will visit a number of circular places and projects and you will learn more about what exactly circularity means. 

Date: Tuesday, March 12,
3:00-5:15 p.m. 

or Friday, March 15
Participation: free
Location: MAAK Haarlem, Oudeweg 91

Repair Cafe at Turquoise

Do you have a broken appliance such as a coffee maker, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or lamp? Stop by the first Repair Café at Turquoise.

Get together with professionals to get your appliance working again! Anything you can carry under your arm they will try to fix (for free).

Date: Wednesday, March 13
7:30-9:30 p.m. (every2nd Wednesday night of the month thereafter)
Participation: free
Location: Turquoise, Prinses Beatrixplein 51-53

Workshop: Upcycle & Repair

Stitching Stories is hosting two Repair & Upcycling workshops in collaboration with Haarlem's Waardemakers. During the workshop you will learn to give new life to your own clothes. Bring an old piece of clothing of your own to work with. Guaranteed you will leave with a new item.

Date: Thursday, March 14 09:00-13:30 or Friday, March 15 09:00-13:30
Participation: € 15
Location: MAAK Haarlem, Oudeweg 91

Business meeting: circular business

In Haarlem, the number of circular entrepreneurs and initiatives is growing. By learning from each other's experiences, best practices and working together, the manufacturing industry can innovate faster and become circular. During this drink, Haarlem entrepreneurs, among others, will speak.

Date: Friday, March 15
4:30 - 7:15 p.m.
Participation: free
Location: Sociëteit Vereeeniging Haarlem, Zijlweg 1

Workshop: Creating a Circular Business Model

You are an entrepreneur and would like to make your business (even) more circular. Then come to this inspiring workshop and get insights into how you can increase the circularity of your business model in different ways.

This workshop is organized by Haarlem Value Makers, Pristean, and InHolland and taught by Julia Planko. More information about the workshop: Circular(der) Business Model Making | Pristean Consulting

Date: Thursday, March 14
Participation: free
Location: Haarlemmer Kweektuin (in the Cactus Greenhouse), Kleverlaan 9

Frequently Asked Questions

Circular Economy Week is from March 11 to 16, 2024.

At various locations in Haarlem. See the program on this page for more information.

This week is organized nationwide by the Acceleration House. Activities, meetings and workshops are organized at various locations around the country. More information can be found at www.weekvandecirculaireeconomie.nl | #weekvandece



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