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Birthday of Haarlem

On November 23, 1245, Haarlem was granted city rights by Count William II city rights and Haarlem was allowed to call itself call itself a city.

November 23

In 2024, Haarlem will celebrate 779 years of city rights.

To experience Haarlem's birthday together with all Haarlemmers, a program has been worked on by various institutions in the city. This page brings together those activities. The history of the city is here to read. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Do you have questions or want to organize your own activities? Then get in touch with us.

Join us in celebrating Haarlem's birthday and who knows, maybe we'll run into each other somewhere. Congratulations to the birthday city!

Events during the anniversary of Haarlem

No events were found during this period. Check out our calendar for the current schedule and events.

Welcome to Haarlem





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